November 1997
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PIOS "making progress" (27-Nov-97 )

    Dr. Peter Kittel says Dave Haynie is working hard and is making some progress recently; but not enough to be able to show it on a fair.

AmigaGuide postings? (27-Nov-97 )

    An anonymous poster says that, since many people post HTML on Usenet, the Amiga people could start posting in Amigaguide. After all, Amigaguide datatypes are available anywhere, as is Netscape. ;-) Accordingly, the posting is probably the first one to be in Amigaguide format.

A1200 sound card (27-Nov-97 )

    The A1200 sound card shown in Cologne was only an early prototype, not the newly designed one. MPEG is supported in hardware, sound is processed in 20 bit quality. Apparently, the card (intended for high-end usage) will have the best price/performance ratio of all Amiga sound cards.

Sassenrath wants 200MHz 68k processor (27-Nov-97 )

    Alexander W. Dorn reports that Carl Sassenrath wrote an article about his wish for a 68k processor at 200-300MHz. Carl argues that nothing beats speed and cites Intel as an example. :) Apparently, he mentioned this to Ted Wait of Gateway2000 in a meeting last May and suggested that Gateway could "motivate" Motorola to start up 68k processors again. However, he also writes that he does not know if any of this has gone beyond that.

Index: 7,000 CD32's sold in commercial applications (27-Nov-97 )

    Mick Tinker of Index Information says they sold 7,000 CD32's to commercial applications. He says it had the benefit of being cheap, with the possibility to expand it with application-specific hardware.
    Amongst others, these CD32's are used on the HMS Belfast, an old WW2 battleship in London.
    The Access is built to continue the supply for that market.

No AGA clock change (27-Nov-97 )

    Dale Larson says major clock speed changes of the AGA chipset are not possible. New fabrication techniques alones would not be enough, since it is also a design issue.

Amiga Inc. business model (27-Nov-97 )

    At the Cologne devcon, Amiga Inc. said they are not in the products business, [but] in the technology business. Overall, the Amiga business model will probably look like this:
    • Amiga International, Incorporated ("Amiga Inc.") will do development and support major developers.
    • Amiga International ("AI") licenses the use of technology.
    • The ICOA will be in charge of customer/public relations, the smaller developers.
    Amiga OS 3.5 was promised for somewhere in 1998, no exact date was given. The idea is to bundle (partly already existing) software for functions that weren't previously part of AmigaOS (networking, web browsing...).

A1200 sound card (21-Nov-97 )

    The new Prelude 1200 sound card will be connected to the clock port of the A1200 and will therefore fit in a standard A1200 casing. It has 16 bit support and is an enhanced version of the Zorro version. It should be available early 98 and wil cost less than 300 DM.

Amiga Linux? (21-Nov-97 )

    Oberland Computer is currently advertising a "eagle Linux" CD for the Amiga. It is about 85% complete, but already looks quite nice, according to Andreas Neumann.

DCE Amiga with 040/40? (21-Nov-97 )

    Apparently, Mr Dellert (DCE) said at the Computer '97 that the A5000 scheduled for 1Q98 is supposed to come with a 040 at 40 MHz. The originally planned price of 1500 DM will only be slightly increased. The A5000's on the show where using standard ATX casings (towers).

Cologne: no software? (19-Nov-97 )

    Among the software that wasn't released at the Cologne Show is Hagge&Partner's Merapy (Java), Vapor's Voyager 3.0, ReflectionsPPC and WordWorth 7 (which was rescheduled to Easter 98).
    In February '98, there will be a new Amiga games magazine called "AMIGA Future".
    DCE's A5000 will be shipped with a x GB HD, fast CD-ROM, ScanDoubler, two IDE ports, four ZorroII slots and a 68030/50. It will cost between 1200 and 1500 DM and will be shipped early 98. The A6000 with 68060/50 and ZorroIII slots will follow later.

Petro T's "68080" (19-Nov-97 )

    "Alf" points out that if Petro T. spoke about a 68080, he probably spoke about something HE wants to have. It's too early to panic, let's wait for some official news.

Jeff Schindler's speech (19-Nov-97 )

    Jeff Schindler's speech at the Cologne show was about a technology plan for the next three years, about the current situation (including an analysis of the strength and weaknesses of the platform) and the next steps to be taken towards R&D work, product development and OEM licensing. Olaf Barthel says he was quite satisfied with the content of the speech and the gathering of developers following it. He adds that the developer feedback Amiga, Inc. collected shows that developers favour PowerPC over Alpha and 68k.

68080 Amiga? (19-Nov-97 )

    Apparently, Petro Tyschtschenko would like a Motorola 68060 or 68080 at 200 MHz in a new Amiga. This would mean updating the OS would be much easier, since there wouldn't be a need to rewrite it. However, there is no decision yet which CPU shall be used in the new Amiga line. [Note that a 68080 does not exists - this is probably Petro's own opinion and no "official" statement -CK]

Playable TV (16-Nov-97 )

    A person calling himself "Vanilla Gorilla" posts informations about a revolutionary new product with unlimited potential and use, called "Playable TV". It is based on the A4000T with toaster/flyer setups and custom software. Apparently, the NASA has already ordered several machines.

Phase5 support (16-Nov-97 )

    Michael Bastian posts a report about Phase5's support and registration of his Developer (Copper) status. At the Computer97, he was told by Phase5 that handling developer registrations is "too much work" and that it will be "automated" soon. The only benefit you will get when participating with Copper status are beta versions, you need to pay 150 DM a year to get developer informations.

Addresses at (16-Nov-97 )

    Ben Hutchings gives some informations about how the addresses at are organised. There are two hosts, which is running on Windows NT; and which is running UNIX and wu-ftpd. Emails to, and are forwarded to AOL addresses, all others are local. forwarded to addresses. Ben adds that there is no, a serious breach of Internet standards.

"CD32 could have been a success" (16-Nov-97 )

    Dean Brown of DKB says that the CD32 could have been a much bigger success. By the time Commodore started shipping the CD32 into the states, they (CBM) were only a few months from bankruptcy. Dean says he knew of a potential OEM order for CD32's that numbered in the hundred's of thousands that died because of CBM's inability to guarantee the supply.

NewTek not leaving the Amiga (13-Nov-97 )

    According to a message by Dwight Parscale, President and CEO of NewTek, they have not left the Amiga, but are evaluating their next move. NewTek and Gateway are working on an agreement. NewTek remain committed to Amiga technology and believe the future holds the potential for more great things. We have never stopped believing in or supporting the Amiga, our users, or the creative talent that finds ways to use or improve our technology.

A1200 sound card? (13-Nov-97 )

    Joern Plewka is currently working on a sound card for the A1200. A company called "A.C.T." will be displaying it at the show in Cologne.

AmiBench / AWD controversy (10-Nov-97 )

    This article begins with a quote from the Amiga Web Directory's "Classified Ad Posting Service" press release. After that, it features a message by Mark Wilson accusing the AWD of stealing his AmiBench idea. He says that the AWD staff seem to dislike him, rip off other people's ideas and are very selective concerning new entries. Finally, "Muttley" says that Mark Wilson stole his idea for AmiBench, but is not crediting him at all. He adds that he thinks Mark's attack is unfair, unjust and without reason; beside being completely untrue.

Phase5 working on PPC750 board? (10-Nov-97 )

    James Carrol says that, according to rumours, Phase5 are working on a quad PPC750 board, and NewTek are quite interested in it. James adds that a PPC750 is about twice as fast than a Pentium II at some tasks...

Amiga Report (10-Nov-97 )

    Amiga Report distribution will change. Jason announces a "notification list" for those who just want a notice if AR is released. Aminet will remain the main source for getting AR; it will therefore not include GIFs [since the Aminet administrators don't want this].

Stefan Boberg (10-Nov-97 )

    Stefan Boberg, programmer of LhA and now employed at Team 17 had to say this about the current Amiga games situation:
    The price of progress. If you want to play the new games requiring more processing power -- upgrade your hardware. If you're not bothered, just keep playing your old games and keep your machine. You can't really compare it to the Amiga, or knock the PC because of this. The Amiga situation would have been just the same if people had actually kept developing software for it.

Digital Arts closed (10-Nov-97 )

    Digital Arts Software & Digital Arts PD Software closed their doors, but the parent company DAZTECHNIQUE PROMOTIONS will continue to trade. Thanks to funding by the new parent company, they are developing new Amiga software.

Phase5 68k emulator (06-Nov-97 )

    According to Dr. Peter Kittel, Phase5 already had 2 running 68k emulators [for PPC] when AT still existed. One is quick&dirty but small, the other is larger and more extensive.

Aminet Down (06-Nov-97 )

    Urban Mueller, Aminet administrator, says the Aminet main site is currently down due to a double disk failure. The site may be down for one more week until disks are replaced and restored. Mirrors continue to work but won't get updated.

MMX? (06-Nov-97 )

    Jeroen T. Vermeulen posts a report from an imaginary visit to Intel headquarters. In this vision, CEO Andy Grove explained to him that MMX meant "Mainly Marketing", with the X just being in the term because trademarks with the letter X in them are perceived as 30% more innovative. He then adds, that the imaginary Intel no longer develop technologies, but only trademarks; since all major profit was only made by glossy buzzwords with no substance anyway. ;-)

Midwest Amiga Expo (06-Nov-97 )

    Greg Pearce posts a show report from the Midwest Amiga Expo. Please read the local copy for more infos!

About DCE (06-Nov-97 )

    Dr. Peter Kittel reports that DCE are very competent. They manufacture the SX-32, additionally They were the ones who received those 70 A4000T's, which left Commodore manufacturing in last second before closing, where none of them worked, investigated the problem and detected a timing problem and succeeded to make half of those machines work, so that they could be sold.

1984 (06-Nov-97 )

    Dave Leeds compares the PC world to Orwell's 1984:
    IMO, people with PC's are happy because they are TOLD they are happy, and don't know any different-classic doublethink, as in Orwell's 1984 ("Winston, did you hear productivity is up this year 15%-by the way, got any spare razor blades? Store's out of them.").

NewTek stops Amiga development (06-Nov-97 )

    Steve Collins reports that NewTek has officially stopped all further Amiga development. This announcement was made at the NewTek Expo.
Last updated 26-Dec-1997, 15:17 by Christian Kemp, All HTML files on this site are copyrighted, usage on other sites requires a written permission.